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"Crypto is hyper volatile. That's the nature of it, but that's what creates the reward for people"

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- Tom Lee - Managing Partner Fundstrut

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Validating the network, one transaction at a time.

Leviathan is one of the largest cryptocurrency mining facilities in Norway. First built to exclusively mine Bitcoin, the facility is being continuously upgraded for mining state-of-the-art Blockchain technology. Leviathan computational performance is achieved with specifically designed mining rigs that efficiently mine hashing algorithms for various cryptocurrencies such as Zcash, Dash, Monero, Bitcoin and others. The Leviathan facility is powered by 100% Green energy via hydroelectricity.

Scroll down for more in-depth information on how Leviathan mines cryptocurrency!


Energy, (Norway & Hydroelectricity)

The results of cryptocurrency mining highly depends on infrastructure efficiency and electricity rates, which makes renewable energy sources - such as hydroelectricity - the go to solution for a cost effective and clean mining operation. Today over 99% of Norways energy is provided by renewables hydroelectricity. 

More In-Depth Videos

Interviews and explanations of the cryptocurrencies, mining, blockchain technologies and Hydroelectricity

What is the blockchain? If you don't know, you should; if you do, chances are you still need some clarification on how it actually works.


Don Tapscott is here to help, demystifying this world-changing, trust-building technology which, he says, represents nothing less than the second generation of the internet and holds the potential to transform money, business, government and society.

Published on 16th Sep, 2016 

How Bitcoin works and a further look into what blockchains are and how they work. 

The math behind cryptocurrencies:

Published on 7th Jul, 2017 

The electricity sector in Norway relies predominantly on hydroelectricity. A significant share of the total electrical production is consumed by national industry.

Average annual hydropower generation capacity in 2019 was around 131 TWh, about 95% of total electricity production.

Published on 18th Jun, 2019 

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